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AJ's Stuff

My name is Allen Jones-Richardson. Ever since I started to hang around older mature teens and friends my age I started to learn more about life and I wanted to talk about it more and more. What I wanted to talk about wasn't just regular boring daily life. I wanted to talk about the life of a teen. I was always mature about words that were said around me such as the word sex. I just felt that it was cool for teens to talk about life. When I would talk to anybody one of the things that always came up was peer pressure, me and the other kids who I hung with since 6th grade we always heard that word. Also like every time I would hear the word peer pressure the first thing that came to my mind was teens, drugs, police, and last but not least, parents. Peer pressure was no thing for me and my friends. We always knew how to get out of tight peer pressure situation. One way we could find a good way out would be to say NO! That usually helped. Anyway lately nothing that I have not seen or heard has popped up yet. Look I know I know you want to hear more but I have nothing else to tell you. Until next time I'm out peace.



Have you ever felt like you were deprived in your life of something, but you just can't place what it is??? Well I can place it just fine in fact; anybody who is blind can place it...(Sigh) I'm short.

Everywhere I go I feel like a midget I mean I've been this height since the fourth grade...ok maybe I was a little bit shorter, but still being this height is a straight up pain. You ever been shopping and you see a pair of pants and know that those pants would look just right with that long sleeve shirt and then you put on the shirt and pants, stand in front of a mirror, AND!!, you look like one of those little men on Charlie and The Chocolate Factory?

Don't let me get started on looking for a prom dress. This company sent this book with prom dresses that was absolutely gorgeous but the only people who were modeling those dresses were 115lbs, 5'9 chicks and I'm looking like...what about the short people? I think it was my mom's fault she deprived me of the height that I need so badly, lol.

Krystal R


What Are You Going to Be When You Grow Up?

That is one question that I always loved answering. I never had to think about it. I was/am going to be a school teacher. I couldn't wait for the day I was able to walk into my own classroom, decorated just the way I wanted it and teach the students in my class. Now, this dream is coming true. I have two more semesters left of college and I will officially be able to teach in the state of Illinois.

I know that some teenagers are just like I was and know exactly what they are going to do with their lives. However, I do know many people who have no idea. They will be in college next fall and haven't decided what they are going to major in. What are they supposed to do? Maybe you are one of those people. I would suggest thinking about what you LOVE to do. Maybe you like playing and instrument, designing clothes, or taking pictures. Whatever it is, there is a major out there for you.

I wouldn't suggest thinking about how much money you would make. I mean who wouldn't like a six figure job, driving the newest model of car you prefer, and going home to your house with every comfort you could ever dream of? I have thought about that quite a bit. However, I know that with me becoming a teacher, it will never happen. And I am okay with that. Money doesn't buy happiness. To be truly happy, you must be content with what you have.


Respecting Authority

Do you ever have those days where you just can't stand to be told what to do? Ever get sick of adults you never even met before telling you what to do too? I know I do - which is a shame, especially since I am becoming an adult myself.

My parents taught me to be respectful of everyone, and most importantly I was taught to respect adult authority. It wasn't until high school that I started to have issues with authority. I don't know why really, maybe it was because I already assumed that I was an adult and no longer needed to be told what to do - or it might have been that I had a couple of teachers that knew nothing about the subjects they were trying to teach!

I was never the type of kid who would mouth off during class, but I did get called out on my body language and constant eye-rolling. My parents were pretty appalled when they got a call at home about my "defiant" behavior at school...The biggest showcase of my lack of respect for authority was at home. After I turned 16 I pretty much figured I knew how to take care of myself, and the second one of my parents would step in to try to teach/tell me something I'd go ballistic! As I look back at my behavior I feel pretty guilty and embarrassed.

No matter how old you get you still need to respect people that are older than you, and that have more experience. It's not always easy (TRUST ME), but it's the right thing to do. The more respect you give the more you'll get back - and if you are thinking that's just a line, wait till you start working; a respectful employee will reap a respectful boss (most of the time, some people are just hateful - lol).



To Blog Or Not To Blog

What's up with this latest cyber craze of blogging? It seems to be the hottest thing since instant messaging. Got something to say? Wanna be heard? Blog away. Blogging, along with everything else, does have it's pros and cons. The pros: 1.) I can greatly improve my typing speed! 2.) I can vent my frustrations without fear of interruption! 3.) I can buy a new pair of socks and in seconds the whole world can know about it!

Surely my sarcasm has been detected by now. Could blogging possibly be the new millennium version of the "Dear John Letter" i.e. saying something you haven't the nerve to say to people in person? With instant messaging, text messaging and email, we are progressively missing out on the value and art of conversation.


Computers or Teachers...That is the Question!

Back in the day, in a galaxy not too far away from here, I was told by a wise Aunt that it is not smart to go to college to be a teacher because "The Computer Age" is coming and computers will do it all! Well, the computers are the wave of technology now with Gaming, Lan-parties, email, online journaling, Xzanga, My Space, digital photography, C-DVDs for computers, lap tops, flat screens, podcasts, e-books, IM, flash-drives, PAD, MP-3 players, iPods, Google and much, much more. How would some of us survive without all these things?

Well, most teachers these days enjoy having a computer, but the computer still needs a teacher to teach. How do children learn to use a computer? That's right - the teacher.

Computers have not replaced our teachers - they enhance them.

So, if you want to be a teacher, then go for it!


Family Ties on the Holiday

What do you do when you come from a big familia??? If you are like me you would go for a couple of hours to one side of the familia and then switch, or Christmas Eve with one side and Christmas day with the other. Familia is very important on the holidays, so make time for them.


Why Does Bad Food Have to Taste SO Good?

There is nothing that I love better than some greasy chili cheese fries - you know the kind where the grease pools at the bottom of the container...Or chocolate ice cream with some whip cream, and those little candied cherries...And pop, I can't live without my Dr. Pepper! Unfortunately, according to what I hear from my doctor, dentist, and the evening news my love for all these bad foods is probably going to kill me.

What I don't understand is this: why do these foods have to taste so good?! I'm sure that if exotic fruits and vegetables tasted as good as that chocolate sundae no one would think twice about choosing a salad over their beloved greasy (but oh so tasty) fast food items! Sometimes my cynical side thinks that scientists should focus more on making my favorite bad foods healthier than the latest military weapon or technological device (that I'm sure all the TV stations will start telling me that I can't live without). I'll tell you what I can't live without! My fast food :)

My advice is eat the salad or the chili cheese fries; because we all know that we'll die some day, but we might as well enjoy what we like in the mean time! And if you are body conscious...take up a form of exercise - that's what I do, because that exercise is bound to counteract some of that food badness isn't?

And if you ever start to doubt whether or not those fries are good for you, just remember what Wendy's says: "Do what tastes right."



The Fashion Transition

Remember the first day of school?...Walking into the school building wearing the latest clothing trend, new shoes with that new hair do, or fresh hair cut to match. Making sure everyone saw you, and you saw them because you knew that you were looking fly! Well, you could say I was in for a rude awakening my freshmen year of college at Illinois State University.

College life is a different atmosphere. I don't even think the students have regular clothing. Let's just say while I was school shopping for the latest fashions, other students weren't. The clothing trend for college is: hoodies, sweaters, sweat pants, and OH YEA...PAJAMA PANTS!!! Let's not forget about gym shoes, oh, they don't wear them either. Flip flops or clogs were the only shoes that I saw on the feet of the students. I felt like a TOTAL OUTCAST my first semester while I was dressing up everyday...people weren't! Weird huh? How could it be the total opposite...weren't they supposed to feel like an outcast? Guess not!

Well, one thing I learned - next year I'm STILL GOING SHOPPING!!! But I will be shopping for the cutest hoodies, sweaters, sweat pants, and pajama pants with flip flops and clogs to match!!


Christmas Shopping. . . Me or Them??!?

I usually start my Christmas shopping in October. Well not this year. I just started a WEEK ago. It's just been so hard for me to go into a store and see something I like and don't get it. I mean really, who would pass up a 50% off deal?? And with me, I love to shop, especially for shoes! But I found myself lately going to stores with intentions on buying for others and coming out with bags of things for myself. I guess I should start thinking about the people I still have to buy for and think less about myself until AFTER Christmas.


Corin's Blog

My parents do this EVERY year!!! They both think they are sneaky but everyone in my family knows my parents little tradition of hiding the presents. They hide it in some "secret" spot and until a few days before Christmas the presents appear under the tree. But let me tell you that looking for those presents is like the beginning of mission impossible four!! They either hide them some place obvious where we think they aren't, or they hide it some place like in the basement where no good soul should EVER go to or you probably won't see them ever again. I know my parents love doing this but.....i just get so annoyed by it!! Whatever happened to just putting the presents under the tree?!?! So mom if your reading this can you please please PLEASE just be like a normal parent? Oh and i want that pink psp so keep that in mind.




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