The Fashion Transition

Remember the first day of school?...Walking into the school building wearing the latest clothing trend, new shoes with that new hair do, or fresh hair cut to match. Making sure everyone saw you, and you saw them because you knew that you were looking fly! Well, you could say I was in for a rude awakening my freshmen year of college at Illinois State University.

College life is a different atmosphere. I don't even think the students have regular clothing. Let's just say while I was school shopping for the latest fashions, other students weren't. The clothing trend for college is: hoodies, sweaters, sweat pants, and OH YEA...PAJAMA PANTS!!! Let's not forget about gym shoes, oh, they don't wear them either. Flip flops or clogs were the only shoes that I saw on the feet of the students. I felt like a TOTAL OUTCAST my first semester while I was dressing up everyday...people weren't! Weird huh? How could it be the total opposite...weren't they supposed to feel like an outcast? Guess not!

Well, one thing I learned - next year I'm STILL GOING SHOPPING!!! But I will be shopping for the cutest hoodies, sweaters, sweat pants, and pajama pants with flip flops and clogs to match!!



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